
AnkiCode - algorithms memorization app based on Anki

How to create a Programming Challenge?

In this tutorial we will cover how to create custom programming challenges using AnkiCode UI.


Let’s say you want to create a challenge which finds a min and max element in an integer array.

Select a target deck or create one

Click “Add” button in the top main menu


Populate a title for the challenge: “Find Min/Max element in array”


Description will be displayed in the code editor in the comments section, here you should describe the task:

“Given an integer array, find it’s min and max elements. For example [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], min=1 max=5”

Function Name



Here we must specify the information in the Markdown format which contains the solution plus all information neccessary. It can be the following:

class MinMax:
   def __init__(self, min: int, max: int):
      self.min = min
      self.max = max
def find_min_max(arr: List[int]) -> MinMax:
    minMax = MinMax(arr[0], arr[0])
    for i, element in enumerate(arr, 1):
       minMax.min = min(element, minMax.min)
       minMax.max = max(element, minMax.max)
    return minMax

Time-Complexity: O(n)


Test-Cases format is the following


From this description it follows that the solution’s function will accept 1 argument - integer array “arr” and must return a structure of type MinMax with 2 integer fields - min and max.

We will specify 2 rows to verify the results


Card overview

Verify results

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